Unleash - Liquid Chalk 液態鎂粉 - Unleash Outdoor

Unleash – Liquid Chalk 液態鎂粉


Unleash – Liquid Chalk 液態鎂粉  55ml細支裝液態鎂粉適合任何運動用家方便攜帶



55ml easy-to-carry size suitable for all sport user in all conditions.

High sweat absorption ability to boost your performance.

Extra added orange flavor reduces the stinging sensation of alcohol

Unleash – Liquid Chalk 液態鎂粉





配合Unleash Gripping Chalk 使用效果更佳

⛰️Hong Kong Local Outdoor Brand⛰️

-Fresh orange flavor

-Amazing sweat absorption and fast drying

-Neutralized formula for better liquid chalk texture

-Better performance together using Unleash Gripping Chalk

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